The subseries focuses on Bazine Netal, a bounty hunter first introduced in Delilah S. Leading up to the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in the Disney Theme Parks, Lucasfilm Publishing created a subseries of junior novels, graphic novels and activity books aimed at younger readers to promote the new theme park attraction and specifically the Flight of the Falcon ride.
In one of three short stories the pirate Hondo Ohnaka tells, he explains how Puffy the Porg became his trusted friend and possibly a fellow pirate.
One of the most prominent roles for a Porg can be found in the Flight of the Falcon subseries, particularly in Lou Anders’ Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon: The Pirate’s Price, illustrated by Annie Wu. While Porgs were first introduced in Star Wars: The Last Jedi as an adorable way to cover up the puffins of Skellig Michael, they have gone on to appear in other Star Wars media as well.